Monday, November 11, 2013

Thank Goodness It's Monday #434


“Let us be true to our democratic ideals, not by the utterance of cheap platitudes, not by windy oratory, but by living in such a manner as to show that democracy can be efficient in promoting the public welfare during periods of peace and efficient in securing national freedom in time of war.”
Theodore Roosevelt (1858-1919)

It’s become a bit of commonplace to acknowledge our living military veterans with the phrase, “Thank you for your service.”
And I’m OK with the idea of sharing that sentiment … somewhat.

Why the hesitation? My discomfort with the “Thank you for your service” acknowledgement came fully to roost several years ago.

That’s when a new networking acquaintance said it when introduced for the first time to another longer-time networking buddy, who recently returned from an 8-month tour in Afghanistan.
And at first I thought –
That’s nice. A stranger acknowledging a peer who has chosen a path outside the for-profit world that we were networking about. Without knowing anything about my Army Reserve friend’s trials and tribulations, his dedication was recognized.

But then I thought: Has “Thank you for your service” become –

Lip service? Has it devolved into a quickly uttered phrase as lacking in sincerity and genuineness as, say, the automatic greeting “Pleased to meet you” has become?

Partial conclusion: Maybe not in the networking-at-lunch group instance I’ve cited.

But, unfortunately, maybe so in the world at large.

The lunchtime discussion that followed didn’t do much to put to rest that nagging notion.

So, with the goal of resolving my mixed feelings somewhat (writing focuses your thinking), and giving us subject matter worth considering on a day set aside to pay tribute to the service of our veterans, I’d like to take a whack at it in this TGIM.
The lunchtime networking progressed as usual: One-minute intros, a round of updates, referral thank-yous and such. Then our custom is to go around the table again and ask, “Who has a question for Geoff … a question for Joe … a question for Rick …etc.”
And since it was clear that our Reservist buddy was the hot new item that day, we began with questions for him.
And we stayed with him for the rest of the lunchtime.
He answered politely and with candor. His one-man’s-view was enlightening. 
  • He compared his most recent experiences to previous tours in both Iraq and Afghanistan.
  • He was open about sharing and spoke frankly about heightened expectations and his frontline perception of the military’s ability to deliver on those expectations.
  • Given the many stumbling blocks placed in the path of accomplishing the mission as it evolved, he felt he and his comrades were doing an exemplary job.
  • And he was clear in his mind about the delineation between the military and civilian/political aspects of bringing affairs to a close.
But here’s the real point. Perhaps the most thought-stimulating thing our serviceman had to say at lunchtime was this:

He was truly irritated at what he felt was the lack of accurate reporting about the facts and activities in far away areas of engagement.

He observed that as he drove to meet us, when he turned to the “all-news-all-the-time” radio stations, the top stories and breaking news concerned – 
  • Lindsay Lohan’s missed bail hearing.
  • And Snooki from “Jersey Shore.”
What he wanted to know more about: That day was May 20, 2010. On May 19 insurgents launched a 3 a.m. attack on Bagram Air Base in a confrontation that finally subsided at midday. The Bagram attack came a day after a suicide bomber struck a U.S. convoy in Kabul, killing 18.

Our reservist’s thoughts and his concerns were largely focused – as much of ours should have been -- on our country’s involvement and the world view.

Yet Lindsay Lohan grabbed the headlines. 
What Were We Thinking?
What ARE We Thinking?
Observing Veteran’s Day has devolved into grim-faced political speechifying and posturing topped with a goodly chunk of hoo-hah touting accelerating-into-the-holiday-season sales at the mall.

Then it’s “goodbye and good luck” and on to the next news cycle.
Are these the sincere expressions of “Thank you for your service” to the living and dead that at least some part of observing Veteran’s Day should be about?

I think not.
So here’s my TGIM vote for making this Veteran’s Day observance --

A bit more meaningful: If we’re going to be quick to thank people for their service, we owe them – and ourselves – the most complete understanding of the situation that we can muster. As with so much in this life, we can’t passively wait to have the facts served to us.
The experience of our reservist buddy on his way to our network lunch makes it clear --

The obligation is on us. In the world of attention-grabbing Lindsay and Snooki celebrity and its 2013 equivalent -- some personal effort is required.
VETERAN’S DAY 2013 ACTION IDEA #1: Take it on. Do your part. Initiate inquiry into important things. In all things, stretch yourself to find truthful information. Be proactive. Seek wisdom. Discuss. And get understanding. Then act on that understanding.

Then you can honestly move ahead with –
VETERAN’S DAY 2013 ACTION IDEA #2: From your place of understanding, mean it when you say “Thank you for your service.”

Thanks for your service, Rick -- and all, past and present, who have earned honors on Veteran’s Day.
And thanks to you for making time today for this TGIM. Wisely make the most of the rest of the day.
Geoff Steck
Chief Catalyst
Alexander Publishing & Marketing
8 Depot Square
Englewood, NJ 07631

P.S. On page 28 of his “Notebook F No. 1” 1836-1840 the always-insightful Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882) recorded: 
Serve self you serve society.
Serve society serve yourself.

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