Monday, December 23, 2013

Thank Goodness It's Monday #440


Have you seen the Christmastime social-media-distributed “prank” I’m about to describe?

Upon scanning their boarding passes at a special kiosk at the gate, airline travelers are interrogated by a live-but-video-connected blue-suited Santa who smooth talks them into naming a “gift” they would like for themselves for the holiday.

We see some highlights of these conversations and --
   The adult answers run the gamut from “socks and underwear” to the seemingly outrageous giant flat screen TV.
   The kid answers are, well, typical kid answers, sometimes given with a charming reluctance.
Then the video production cuts to great dashing around while, unbeknownst to the high-flying travelers, the gift wishes of the plane full of passengers are acquired by the airline …cheerily wrapped  … ultimately delivered at the flights destination via luggage carousel … to the surprise and delight of the travelers (especially the guy who wanted the flat screen).
Bah! Humbug! While the comments of many viewers suggest they find this scenario delightful and full of seasonal brio, the whole thing –

Really ticks me off. At many levels.

To catalog just a few:

·         It’s a commercial, dammit, not much more and intended as such.
·         And I find the whole idea crass.
·         Imagine the cost.
·         Why such generosity for presumably more-affluent-than-many airline travelers?
·         Imagine how, if the airline wanted to endorse the gift-giving spirit of Christmas, that expense might have been more charitably dispersed.
·         And why didn’t we see the Christmas wishes of those who asked for world peace, or for a cure for little Jimmy’s cancer, or to be reunited with absent loved ones, or … 

I think you get the idea.
I DO NOT “Like.” While I probably do like a substantive, tangible, material holiday gift as much as the next person, you can’t win my admiration and respect with that kind of twisted representation of holiday goodwill. 

So why this rant, under the guise of a headline about gift giving?
Years ago Eric Taylor and I started a business conversation that has evolved into a friendship and more-than-a-few frank discussions of better ways to set and accomplish one’s goals, manage time, interact with others – generally how to live in a fulfilling and meaningful way.

It’s a continuing and evolving conversation. We respectfully sort through positions and points of contention … try to convince and influence one another … keep an open mind … accommodate new input … agree to disagree about some strongly held but not objectionable positions.

And while we are two distinct and different people, there are a number of positions we hold steadfastly in common, one which we find is most easily conveyed at this time of year, using the language of the season:
It Is A Season For Giving
But unlike the tangible, material, commercial “gifts” featured in the makes-me-angry airline-commercial-in-the-guise-of-holiday-cheer, we agree that one of the best gifts any one can give at this or any time of the year is –

The Gift Of Yourself
 Your love.
Your time.
Your thoughtful involvement.
A number of years ago when we shared a holiday message about this gift that keeps on giving Eric pointed out that –
This enlightened and enlightening present is –
        … something that everyone wants
        … one size fits all
        … requires no last minute shopping or trips to the mall
        ...  is essentially free, and
        … no wrapping is required.

It’s that simple. This “gift” is what those you care most about really want.

TGIM Takeaway: And, when you ponder and understand the fullness of the concept, you’ll know that it’s the only gift of lasting value that you alone can give.
TGIM IDEA IN ACTION: ‘Tis the season. Give the enlightened and enlightening gift of yourself, your love and your time and your involvement, unconditionally, now and throughout the New Year. You’ll soon realize this cost-free present will yield an abundance of riches for the giver and the receiver far greater than you could ever imagine.

One last cool thing about this gift:
It’s a gift that’s sure to be “returned” to you in so many ways.

What more could a giver ask for?

Geoff Steck
Chief Catalyst
Alexander Publishing & Marketing
8 Depot Square
Englewood, NJ 07631

P.S.  Just in case you considered giving us a gift this holiday season … here’s –
Re-gift this message.

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