Go ahead. Call me a Momma's Boy ...
This day, 101 years ago, my Mother was born in Falmouth, England.
So, I hope you don't mind but, this TGIM will be a bit more personal than most.
Go ahead. Call me a Momma’s Boy. I trust I’m not, of course, in the derisive sense of that phrase. But I do try to adhere to the mindset she meant to pass along.
While there are likely countless growing-up lessons my Mother espoused and lived that might shape your thinking as they have mine, I'll spare you.
I will, however, take this opportunity to share this Betty Steck (1921-2004) Daily Discipline.
She left a typewritten copy of the following words with her important family documents.
While they are not original to her, she called them “The creed by which I try to live” and noted, “You will find these words over my kitchen sink where I read them at the beginning of each day.”
The image above is the postcard-sized reproduction I had made of Betty’s kitchen-sink reminder and distributed at her memorial service.
This one hangs over my computer screen, thus the fuzzy photo and the hint of yellow wallpaper border.
Another is on my dresser where the content of my pockets goes every evening and where it’s gathered at the start of each day.
So there’s barely a day when I don’t bump hard into a tangible reminder of what I hope I have adapted as a lifelong behavior.
TGIM CHALLENGE: Got a “creed” by which you try to live?
I’m sure you do. So how about this –
TGIM ACTION IDEA: Share it. For starters, post it up on social media with a little bit of explanation if necessary. Let me know – post a comment here, share via Facebook or LinkedIn or some such, or just shoot it to me straight at the tgimguy@gmail.com e-mail, or whatever -- so I can see and share in it if it’s not likely I’d catch a glimpse of it in passing.
Now is the time.
Go play your part.
Seize your unique day.
I’ve already started with mine.
Geoff Steck
Chief Catalyst
Alexander Publishing & Marketing
Chief Catalyst
Alexander Publishing & Marketing
Englewood, NJ 07631
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