Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Obama Got Osama


I like this; always have, hope I always will:

"Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that. Hate multiplies hate, violence multiplies violence, and toughness multiplies toughness in a descending spiral of destruction.."

Martin Luther King, Jr. said that.

And my Facebook friend Jill Garrafa posted something like it today in reference to events following the destruction of Osama bin Laden. And as I said, I “liked” it.

Here are some other thoughts on this moment in history:

We live in a digital age #1: The first news of the bin Laden raid was Tweeted before any official announcement.

We live in a digital age #2: It turns out, there may have been an app for that -- an app maker for the military may have supplied an iPhone app they used to plot and share coordinates just before the raid.

The digital age is on hold #1: Even at the late east coast hour of the original announcement, people went outside to be with other people … in Times Square, at so-called Ground Zero, outside the White House.

Free enterprise triumphs: Where many of the folks gathered “Obama Got Osama” T-shirts were on sale almost immediately, as well as other instant-manufacture merchandise such as buttons.

The digital age is on hold #2: The story, preserved in print, wins the day:

100,000 extra copies of the NY Post jingoistic "Got Him: Vengeance at last! US nails the bastard" were printed and, presumably, sold.  

The New York Times doubled or tripled the number of newsstand copies it printed for several markets, including New York, Washington, Boston and San Francisco. The Washington Post said it printed an additional 70,000 copies, which is about double its normal print run, excluding home subscribers. USA Today added roughly 200,000. The Los Angeles Times printed 100,000 extra copies and kept printing plates in place "if we need to run more," said a spokesperson. 

The confluence of “new” and “old” media: So many people (reportedly as many as 2,800 per second) wanted to print copies of newspaper front pages, the website for the Newseum, which presents the front pages for over 800 newspapers, crashed.

After the buffalo have gone: Apparently the code name for bin Laden was “Geronimo.” Apt at one level, I guess. Still, the Native Peoples can’t seem to catch a break anywhere.

Great communicator? The Obama announcement has been labeled “pitch perfect” and I pretty much agree. But don’t you think an evolving draft had been around for quite a while? And since the “Go” decision was made on Friday, don’t you think there were alternative announcements drafted for alternative outcomes? Reminds me that there was a Nixon speech ( first line: "Fate has ordained that the men who went to the moon to explore in peace will stay on the moon to rest in peace.”) in the can in case the first moon landing went awry.

Illuminati/NWO/JFK “theorists:” Speaking of 9/11 and moon landings: Skeptical is one thing; coming across as obsessive is another. Pick your moments and messages more precisely and perhaps you’ll be more convincing.

Speaking of what’s important: The Royal Wedding? Donald who? Charlie who?

About the 24-hour news cycle: See above. And consider how quickly memories fade as news -- and “noise” -- streams in.

In the 21st Century, we are the media: As consumers we drive what the “professional” media brings us. Most of us are virtually always connected and ready to receive. And with the mobile digital technology we carry and the instant outlet of networks at our disposal, we can break news as well as consume it. But the bin Laden compound had neither phone lines nor an internet connection. Why? In part because "connected" flows both ways and that reality has consequences.

Q: Can you do more than take a picture with your cell phone? Be prepared. Keep your eyes and ears open.  Master your electronics, don’t just carry them around.  Everyone has the potential to be a Zapruder in 2011.

When the cheering dies down: Yes, some have said “We’re not cheering death, we’re cheering closure.”  Others have rightly observed that “Cheering a monster’s death is not the same as patriotism.” The closing credits of the 1950’s black-and-white sci-fi classic Destination Moon” comes to my mind. “This is the End” appears over a shot of stars against the earth in the blackness of space and slowly the line appears “… of the beginning.”

And that brings me full circle, for now.

Keep watching the skies. Fight against “a deeper darkness devoid of stars.”

Geoff Steck
Chief Catalyst
Alexander Publishing & Marketing

Monday, May 2, 2011

Thank Goodness It's Monday #302


“Motivation can be easily encouraged,” says Arnold Rincover, Ph.D., internationally known child psychologist and parenting consultant. “Effective parenting can make a tremendous difference.”

“Whoa!” you say. “Hold your horses. Since when has TGIM started doling out parenting advice? I’m not starting my week with a ‘nature vs. nurture’ debate. Wrong topic for my needs.”

Perhaps not. Certainly the subject matter here is largely about self-improvement and workplace empowerment. But I do try keep it “family friendly” and broaden the examples to home and community when particularly applicable.

So it strikes me as not impractical to source useful ideas from the “other” side of business life once in a while and sort of reverse engineer them to apply them to the workaday world.

TGIM ACTION IDEA: Rincover suggests that parents be guided by strategies that follow the letters in the word “motivation.”

Alright! Since we love acronyms and Dr. Rincover’s talking M-O-T-I-V-A-T-I-O-N, he’s got my attention and perhaps deserves yours, no matter where you are in the “parenting” world.

TGIM IDEA IN ACTION: Let’s take a quick look at the alphabetic breakdown as he presents them for parents, and then consider the work-world, apply-it-to-yourself-and-your-business and the community at large aspects.

Model your behavior. The fastest way to teach something is to model or demonstrate it, even elaborate or sophisticated skills. Yup. Works for kids; works for adults.

Offer feedback. Feedback is essential for learning. It tells learners – children or adults – whether they’re doing well or if they can do better. For best results, couple feedback with praise.

Talk! Many everyday situations in family life and in business and community life provide opportunities for talking and learning.

Case in point: Grabbing a quick lunch in a fast-food eatery. For kids it can become a learning experience by discussing, say, the nutrition value of the ingredients. With business acquaintances, talk marketing strategy or site location or central distribution policy.

Instill. In children, Dr. Rincover maintains, the desire to succeed does not develop entirely genetically. They learn it if adults make it an important part of their life. So it goes in the workplace. The more coworkers and management make goals clear to others, the more those others will feel motivated to take a role in meeting them.

Vary praise and rewards. Try praise first. If it seems more is needed, use rewards. When they are truly earned and are not so overused that they become commonplace and are discounted, both are powerful ways to motivate children and adults.

Attitude is everything. Differences in children’s attitude about achievement do not come purely from differences in ability, Dr. Rincover finds. They can be greatly shaped by parental attitudes. Adults, too, will take their attitude cues from authority figures. So you can be shaped according to who you allow to influence you. And you can apply what attitudinal clout you have to persuade others to your view.

Train independence. Parents of highly motivated children often have shown that they expect their children to do well. In short then, pressure to be self-reliant has been found to foster achievement. And this can play out in the adult world. If you manage others, be clear you expect great performance. If you manage managers, let them manage. Train them to give subordinates leeway to do their jobs.

Interest your child in learning. Research has shown that immediate praise, feedback, and other incentives increase interest in learning many fold. Make it interesting for others to connect to new information, learn new and better skills.

Offer a choice. This can take the sting out of undesirable tasks. Let the child who hates to go to the supermarket pick out the ice cream and you win willing cooperation. Let workers set their own rotation to the tasks they deem most unpleasant.

Never stop praising. This is the easiest, most powerful way to motivate. Yup. Works for kids; works for adults.

That’s it. Ten steps so simple, as they used to say, even a child can do them. Hope they (and I) M-O-T-I-V-A-T-E-D you to read this far.

And since, if you’re reading this you did, applying a few of them –

“Good for you.” “Great job!” “I’m proud of you.”

“Keep up the good work.” You know I’ll try.

Geoff Steck
Chief Catalyst
Alexander Publishing & Marketing
8 Depot Square
Englewood, NJ 07631

P.S.  “No man does anything from a single motive.” Poet, critic and philosopher Samuel Taylor Coleridge (1772 - 1834) noted that.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Thank Goodness It's Monday #301


Spring has sprung. Yes, I know the 2011 vernal equinox was March 20. 
Hellebore (Lenten rose) 
in New Jersey

But that’s really just the opening gun. Only now has the climate in our bit of the northern hemisphere progressed sufficiently to make it “official.” 

So now, with the notable spring-minded seasonal celebrations pretty much wrapped up this past weekend, let’s take a TGIM moment to examine and apply the lessons of renewal and rebirth that the seasonal shift teaches.

Today IS the first day of the rest of your life. A trite (maybe), but factual, statement. And you can’t remain static and expect to thrive in the future. You have to do more than simply make sure that things are going right today.

TGIM ACTION IDEA: Spring to it. You are also responsible for making sure that what you do today creates the future you want tomorrow. If you don’t ponder and then take action on strategies for positioning your business, your family and yourself in the future, you may never have that future.

TGIM IDEA IN ACTION: Take a quick run though these six forward-looking strategies and consider ways to tweak, twist and customize them to your personal situation in the days immediately ahead:

Keep on top of trends. Yes, I’m the guy who said, “Tweeting is the new CB radio.” Still, you must be paying some attention in order to make that claim and, perhaps, cash in when the time is right (and cash out before it goes the way of, well, CB radio). Be continually watchful for developments … innovations …fads, fashions and fancies – and be wary of when one becomes another.

Spring mindedness: Keep your finger on the pulse of change. Up close it may be easy to sort out how your markets are doing. But what’s happening in the research labs and wider world that will drastically change what you do and how you do it? What’s happening in American culture that will creep into your world? What’s happening in the broader world that impacts your niche in it? Take in the big picture and make your own informed decisions.

Think globally, act locally – for starters. Information technology and digital interconnectedness are shrinking the world, creating opportunities for everyone around the globe. So while you’re acting locally, also investigate the global potential of your unique abilities.

Spring mindedness: Discover how your products or services could satisfy customers somewhere else. Seek like-minded partners who can help take you where you need to go.

Endow technology, people, training. Stop thinking like a bookkeeper (no offense to bookkeepers, you can’t win the game if you don’t know the score) and start thinking and behaving like a strategic manager.

Spring mindedness: Loosen the purse strings as much as you’re able. Don’t get tied down by sunk costs. Stop worrying about what you’ve spent in the past. Money spent on technology, people and training is not a cost, especially in this rapidly changing environment. It’s an investment.

Innovate or abdicate. The pace of change will not let up. Better, cheaper, faster drives it. If you aren’t prepared to innovate, then prepare to be swept aside in the rush to the future. Stress innovation and adaptation with others who share your interests – and your future.

Spring mindedness:  Spring clean – counsel, train, reprimand and/or terminate laggards who are reluctant to go forward. If they can’t or won’t help you progress, help them get a job with the competition. Then use the freed-up payroll to hire, identify, train, reward and promote the best and the brightest who will help take you to the future.

Develop future-minded customer relations. Stop thinking in terms of the products and services you historically provide. Start thinking in terms of the needs you’ll help your prospects and clients meet.

Spring mindedness: Stay focused on changing customer desires. Be proactive. Remind them of your long-term commitment. Don’t wait to be summoned to help; or to be “dismissed” in favor of a new resource. Be first on the scene with new solutions in hand as you see requirements changing.

Beware the complacency of success. Congratulations if you’ve been “hanging tough” so far. When things aren’t broken, there’s less motivation to fix them. Unfortunately that means there’s little motivation to improve.

Spring mindedness: Even if you’re #1 in your market, don’t for one nanosecond be satisfied by the size of the gap between you and the crew in second place. Remember that success is often a barrier to change. Keep banging away at that barrier.

TGIM Takeaway: “A competitive world has two possibilities for you. You can lose. Or, if you want to win, you can change.” Lester Thurow, former Dean of the   MIT Sloan School of Management and definitive voice on global economics said that.

This Spring, become a champion for change and renewal. Prepare for the reality of change. View it as an opportunity and adventure, not a threat. Use the stimulus of the new season get your future-savvy sap flowing and blossom into a success-filled run to a prosperous, winning year end.

Springing into action ...
Geoff Steck
Chief Catalyst
Alexander Publishing & Marketing
8 Depot Square
Englewood, NJ 07631

P.S.  “Live each season as it passes; breathe the air, drink the drink, taste the fruit, and resign yourself to the influences of each.” In 1853, Henry David Thoreau (1817 – 1862) recorded that in his Journal.

P.P.S.  Here’s the closing stanza of (Thoreau’s neighbor) Ralph Waldo Emerson’s poem, “The World Soul.”

Spring still makes spring in the mind
  When sixty years are told;
Love wakes anew this throbbing heart,
  And we are never old.
Over the winter glaciers
  I see the summer glow,
And through the wild-piled snow-drift
  The warm rosebuds below.


Monday, April 18, 2011

Thank Goodness It's Monday #300


Thanks to a little-known Washington, D.C. holiday and some odd Internal Revenue Service rules, individual taxpayers have until today -- Monday, April 18 -- to file their federal returns.

 That’s great news for me.

Not because I’ve postponed filing until the 11th hour.

But because for this milestone 300th TGIM I have a timely “hook” for sharing (once again for anyone who knows me even moderately well) one of my favorite Life Lessons.

● If you’ve heard it from me before, I hope you find “tickler” value in its repetition and maybe new insight for dealing with today’s economic conditions. Thanks for your patience in reviewing it again.

● If it turns out to be a new item for you, I hope you can take it to heart and use it to make these days easier to weather.

Some basic info: As you may have noted by now, I like acronyms, TGIM (Thank Goodness It's Monday -- in case you hadn't noticed) ... FYI (For Your Inspiration) … BYE (Best Year Ever -- a project with my buddy Eric Taylor) ... 

Certainly they serve as convenient "shorthand." But they are also a powerful and valuable tool for reinforcing important concepts and bringing the full force of the underlying principles quickly to mind.

So, although it’s high season for the dread acronym IRS, that leads my thinking to the origins of perhaps the most important acronym in my mind –


EHFTB stands for – Everything Happens For The Best.

Here's the tax time story behind it: Richard Prentice Ettinger, the co-founder of the publishing giant Prentice-Hall, discovered EHFTB as he started in business as a publisher.

In the earliest days of the company, the pages for his second book, about the then-new Federal Income Tax Law, had just come off the press.

Richard Prentice Ettinger
However: Congress, in its usual wisdom, made last-minute changes in the law. This made many of the already-printed pages inaccurate. Stuck with a huge printing bill and worthless pages, it appeared the new publishing enterprise was doomed.

But RPE, as he was known (more initials), thought hard about what he had. He realized many of the pages were NOT adversely affected.

Snatching victory from the jaws of defeat. He concluded that he could salvage the unaffected pages … print some new, correct pages ... punch holes in the whole batch ... and put them all together in a loose-leaf binder.

Bonus payoff: He could sell not just one book but also sell replacement pages on a continuing basis as the Tax Law continued to evolve.

That was in 1915. The forward-thinking Aldous Huxley (author of Brave New World) noted at the time that Ettinger had done with the loose-leaf page something equivalent to what Guttenberg had done with moveable type. Such subscription publishing became a cornerstone of a highly successful enterprise; proof indeed that EHFTB -- Everything Happens For The Best.

 “A nice, but slightly Pollyannaish, sentiment,” you say?

Wait! There's more.

In fact, it’s the most important part.

Richard Neill, RPE’s protégé who was entrusted with the ongoing publication of that first tax tome, passed along this history lesson for many years. (I was a Dick Neill protégé and was fortunate enough to have also known RPE. And yes, he was referred to as RN and I was GS.)

But in the telling and reminding, RN added the crucial element that makes the difference between an interesting bit of business history and a principle which any of us can take to heart and apply.

TGIM ACTION IDEA: When appropriate, and especially if some problem needed confronting or remedying, Richard Neill would annotate the margin of a memo or report with a handwritten EHFTB.

And under those initials he would write –

The importance of this second thought, and the principle behind the phrase the letters represent, is THE KEY to making EHFTB work.

Richard Neill's FTWMIH reminder is that –

Everything Happens For The Best
For Those Who Make It Happen

TGIM IDEA IN ACTION: You must take action for anything to turn out “for the best.” You must be ever alert for opportunities to triumph in the face of adversity.

And it’s not easy. You can’t be a passive bystander. You must be constantly and consistently preparing for the future. And when challenges arise you must rally that preparation and confront them. It isn’t enough to want the best. Continually challenge yourself to know what you’re going to do to get to where you want to be. Effort makes achievement.

Make the effort. Make it happen – for the best.
Geoff Steck
Chief Catalyst
Alexander Publishing & Marketing
8 Depot Square
Englewood, NJ 07631

P.S.  And speaking of taxation: Albert Einstein admitted, on filing a tax return, “This is too difficult for a mathematician. It takes a philosopher.” He’s also reputed to have observed, “The hardest thing in the world to understand is the income tax.”

P.P.S. "We are taxed twice as much by our Idleness, three times as much by our Pride, and four times as much by our Folly; and from these Taxes the Commissioners cannot ease or deliver us by allowing Abatement.” Ben Franklin told us that in 1757.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Reliving History


One hundred and fifty years ago – April 12, 1861– the American “Civil War” began with shots fired on Fort Sumter, South Carolina.

By 1865 when that part of the conflict ended, 620,000 soldier’s lives had been lost and the country had changed in profound and immutable ways.

Today, in a land where we regularly pledge “one nation, indivisible,” we’re still examining and discussing and debating the why and wherefore.


"I can not but hate [the prospect of slavery's expansion]. I hate it because of the monstrous injustice of slavery itself. I hate it because it deprives our republican example of its just influence in the world – enables the enemies of free institutions, with plausibility, to taunt us as hypocrites – causes the real friends of freedom to doubt our sincerity." – Abraham Lincoln said that in a speech delivered in Peoria, Illinois, October 1854 and archived at National Park Service, Lincoln Home National Historic Site.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Thank Goodness It's Monday #299


Government shutdown? At a last-Friday breakfast meeting of business buddies, that was topic #1. And, naturally, the points of view about who’s to blame varied widely.
But that’s not precisely today’s TGIM topic.

Stubborn-child behavior is. That’s the recurring phrase that virtually every supporter of a differing point of view accused their adversaries of exhibiting.

Why are we surprised?

Persistence pays in almost everything. That’s why there are so many expressions such as “Hang in there” … “Stick with it” ... “Keep plugging away” and “Don’t quit.”

Fortunately (and sometimes unfortunately) persistence pays in negotiating, too.

No matter how many times you tell people you don’t want to do something, or won’t make certain concessions, they keep coming back with new proposals, new “ideas,” new “facts” – as well as old ones – until it finally seems easier to say “Yes” and forget it, than to keep resisting.

And, undoubtedly, one of the best examples of the use of persistence in negotiating is –

A stubborn child. Is there a parent (or grandparent) out there who doesn’t know full well that, upon entering a mall with a four-year old, there is only one thing on the child’s mind:

To look at new toys and buy one.

So, for the sake of uncovering TGIM Takeaways we can apply in our adult-to-adult relationships – and, maybe, to come to some understanding of what’s happening in Washington these days -- let’s play this scenario out.

Case in point: Because she can’t leave her pre-schooler at home on this particular day, Mom takes him on the trip to the mall. Hoping to avoid trouble, she tells him in advance that time is limited and no toys will be purchased.

Usually there’s no complaint at the start. Nothing happens until they are actually in the mall. Then the child asks when (note the assumptive close – "when" not "if") they are going to look at the toys.

“I told you no toys today,” says Mother. “We don’t have time.”

“I don’t want to buy any, I just want to look” says Junior. And he points out they would easily have time if Mother would just hurry up a little. Only to look, of course. And he keeps at it until –

She finally gives in. Once in the toy store or the toy department, Mom keeps reminding her child, “Remember, we’re just looking. No buying today.”
“Which do you like better,” the child suddenly asks --

"... the race car?"

"... or the dump truck?"
  And invariably, before thinking the response through fully, Mother will say she likes one better than the other.

“So do I!” the child declares triumphantly.

“So let’s buy it!”

Mother rejects the idea and reiterates what she has said all along about no toys today. The child then turns on the tears.

“But you said you liked it. Why did you say that if you didn’t want me to have it?”

A few minutes later the negotiation has been successfully concluded. The child has the toy and has promised not to ask for another for a long, long time -- which means, in his world, not until tomorrow.

TGIM Takeaway: Very similar tactics are deployed time after time by skilled negotiators in real-world, adult, business and civic situations.

Break it down:

  • Conceding something for the moment.
  • Asking only one small concession at a time.
  • Agreeing to some principle.
  • Then going back and renegotiating to break it.
Q: When you realize these tactics are being used against you, what should you do?

In the first place: Don’t get so impatient to get it over with that you throw in the towel. When people won’t take no for an answer, don’t give in.


TGIM IDEA IN ACTION #1: Start suggesting, regretfully, that you not only can’t give more, you may have to reconsider and give less. Make your opponents realize that they are not going to make more progress. If they don’t settle quickly, they may wind up with a lot less.

Then stick to your guns and do it.

Q: If you can’t back out of the situation; if you have to settle somehow?

Deploy --

TGIM IDEA IN ACTION #2: At least pretend for as long as you can that you don’t.

Q: When should you use similar “stubborn child” tactics yourself?

That’s pretty much up to you. There is no question that the persistent negotiator – never giving up, always finding a way to try again – will often achieve their objective.

TGIM ACTION IDEA: Just remember that “no” and “never” are only temporary reactions. If you mean to achieve a goal, keep going. Find a new approach and try again.

Persistence does pay. It will pay for you, too.

Geoff Steck
Chief Catalyst
Alexander Publishing & Marketing
8 Depot Square
Englewood, NJ 07631

P.S.  "Good luck is another name for tenacity of purpose." Essayist, poet, philosopher Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803 -1882) said that.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Thank Goodness It's Monday #298


C’mon. ’Fess up. We’ve all got e-mail overload and anxiety, despite the efforts of the best G-mail, Hotmail, AOL, internal corporate tech masters -- whatever and whomever—to create and deploy digital tools meant to help us wrestle our In Box (In Boxes?) into some semblance of shape.

And even with the alleged falloff in e-mail use as social networks and short-form handheld connecting become the preferred channel of communication among the most youthful digerati, ubiquitous e-mail is still an important component of –

Real world communication. E-mail allows speedy, direct communication with a wide range of locations. It creates a direct line for correspondence to flow straight to and from you. Thus the volume of mail can still be quite formidable. So it’s a blessing and a curse to many business and community leaders.

Ignore e-mail at your peril. For most communicators – in business and their non-business counterparts – to allow serious mail addressed to them to go unacknowledged or unanswered is inexcusable.

TGIM Challenge: How does a thoughtful person deal with all the bits that can’t simply be deleted or passed along to a more appropriate place for action?

Old tech thinking to the rescue: The late Malcolm S. Forbes (1919–1990), publisher of Forbes magazine in the heyday of the ink-on-paper version, suggested solutions for snail mail that are just as fitting for electronic correspondence; perhaps even more so.

“Sometimes,” he said, “I get very long letters about editorials and articles. Many of these are answered with just two or three words.

“If the three-, four-, five-, or six-page letter expresses a compatible point of view, the reply, aside from salutation and signature, consists of two words:

‘I agree.’

“If not, the reply, in addition to salutation and signature, is three words:

I don’t agree.’

“Letters of enthusiastic compliments (few),” said Forbes, “and letters of vehement disagreement (many) get two-word replies:

‘Thank you.’’’

TGIM Takeaway: These time-tested shortcuts are a good way to cut the communication workload in the digital world as well. Their very brevity signals the intention to bring the “correspondence” to a close without completely blowing off the communicator on the other side. Try em and apply em and reap the saving of time and trouble without appearing too rude.

But wait. There’s more: One more brief thought while we’re on the subject:

Another slightly crustier old-school thought leader who used a similar shortcut to good advantage was H.L. Mencken (1880-1956), the word-wise critical observer of life in the first half of the 20th Century and founding editor of his own magazine, The American Mercury.

As a newspaper and magazine editor, Mencken often drew letters expressing outrage and indignation at ideas he had championed.

TGIM IDEA IN ACTION: Mencken would return all such correspondence to the originators with these words scrawled at the bottom:

“You may be right.”

Thumbs up?

Or thumbs down to the ideas put forward in today’s TGIM?

“You may be right.”

And thanks for reading.

Geoff Steck
Chief Catalyst
Alexander Publishing & Marketing
8 Depot Square
Englewood, NJ 07631

P.S. Both H. L. Mencken and, in addition to Malcolm, earlier and later generations of the Forbes family provided the world with vast quantities of In-Box-crowding quotable material.

Mencken himself originated scores of them; perhaps the most-quotable, best known is “Nobody ever went broke underestimating the taste of the American public.”

The Forbes “Capitalist Tool” dynasty spread such wisdom widely through the magazine’s feature, “Thoughts on the Business of Life” where Malcolm wisely suggested, “The best vision is insight.” His grave marker bares the epitaph, “While alive, he lived.”