Monday, December 19, 2011

Thank Goodness It's Monday #335


I am not like Clark Griswold from the semi-memorable 1989 movie, National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation:

Elderly Aunt Bethany: Is your house on fire, Clark?
           Clark: No, Aunt Bethany, those are the Christmas lights.

However … As you can see above -- and in this YouTube link -- I do enjoy a good holiday light display at several levels.
  • I enjoy the idea that people who mount the digitally-driven 21st century extravaganzas wish to give, as well as bask in, the enjoyment of their creations …
  • I enjoy the memory of far less elaborate childhood decorations …
  • And I enjoy the idea that virtually all the seasonal celebrations now taking place are light conscious and linked to the time of the Winter Solstice, at least in the Northern Hemisphere, the darkest days of the year.
And it’s this last notion that gets today’s TGIM attention.

For observers in our neighborhood, December 22 will be the day with the least hours of daylight and, therefore, the longest stretch of night.

Historically solstice celebrations have influenced the lives of many people over the centuries, through art, literature, mythology and religion. So, whether you officially "celebrate" or not, you probably will (or recently have) observed the Winter Solstice in some way.

If you care to, you can find dogmatically neutral recaps at sites such as or There, and elsewhere, you can learn more about the wide range of solstice-related observances across time and cultures both extinct and extant around the globe.

Wikipedia lists 40+ that range from contemporary observances at science stations in Antarctica to Neolithic and Bronze Age practices in Europe and references in Western Hemisphere cultures that date back to 1800 BCE.

So, since Neolithic times the return of the sun and the lengthening days, represent the return of hope.

It's only human to fear the darkness. As the sun came back, fear receded and hope returned.

In our longitude (above 40° N) the December solstice occurs at the beginning of the coldest season of the year. Although winter was regarded as the season of dormancy, darkness and cold, the coming of brighter days after the Winter Solstice brought on a more festive mood. To many people, this return of the light was a reason to celebrate that nature's cycle was continuing

At the Winter Solstice we all – without confronting the conflicting tenets of particular spiritual or secular beliefs — can trace the evolution of our seasonal celebrations from their origins in ancient nature rituals. We can acknowledge the primeval link to today’s widely practiced religions, monotheistic and otherwise.

And in this 21st Century we can use all the tech and gathered wisdom and best thinking at our disposal to come to one inevitable –

TGIM TAKEAWAY: It’s still about the light. Beacons of hope. Moments of illumination. Glimmers of insight. The promise of brighter tomorrows. Miracles of light and enlightenment. Lights fantastic.

Christmas with its advent wreaths, trees, and other lighted decorations and Hanukkah and its menorah candles are easy to relate to for many of us.

Whatever your traditions hold dear and celebrate and commemorate at this time of the year, we are all very much one in spirit. It IS a very small and very interconnected world after all. Daily it becomes closer still.

TGIM ACTION IDEA: ‘Tis the season to be enlightened. Know what you believe and why. Your core beliefs need to be your own, arrived at freely.

TGIM IDEA IN ACTION: Like exploring the history of solstice celebrations, look for evidence yourself. Dig down. Get back to the source as you gather facts. Make your decisions based on your informed research and insight. Decide what works for you and use it.

Then –

Don’t hide your light. It’s also a season for giving. And in the spirit of transitioning from darkness to light, one of the best gifts you can give at this or any time of the year is –

The gift of yourself --
your love,
your time,
your thoughtful involvement.

Several years ago my friend and “Best Year Ever” program and Life Lessons from Superman partner Eric Taylor and I shared a holiday message about this gift that keeps on giving. We pointed out that –

This enlightened and enlightening present is something that everyone wants … one size fits all … requires no last minute shopping or trips to the mall …  is essentially free … and, no wrapping is required.

It’s that simple. But the gift of yourself is surely what those you care most about and really want. And, when you ponder and understand the fullness of the concept, you’ll know that it’s the only gift of lasting value that you alone can give.

TGIM IDEA IN ACTION: Give the enlightened and enlightening gift of yourself, your love and your time and your involvement, unconditionally, now and throughout the New Year. You’ll soon realize this cost-free present will yield an abundance of riches for the giver and the receiver far greater than you could ever imagine.

One last cool thing about this gift: It’s a gift that’s sure to be “returned” to you in so many ways.

What more could a giver ask for?

For one to succeed, we all must succeed. But it starts with each individual. Now is a good time to make a start. So don’t even wait for an “official” holiday to begin.

I wish you an Enlightened Solstice … Happy Hanukkah … Merry Christmas … Joyous Kwanzaa …

“Peace toward men of good will.”

Happy holidays, one and all.

Geoff Steck
Chief Catalyst
Alexander Publishing & Marketing
8 Depot Square
Englewood, NJ 07631

P.S. Deep peace of the winter solstice to you.
        Deep peace of the falling snow to you.
        Deep peace of the love of friends to you.
        Deep peace of the gentle deer to you.
        Deep peace of the moon and stars to you.

        Deep peace of the running wave to you.
        Deep peace of the flowing air to you.
        Deep peace of the quiet earth to you.
        Deep peace of the shining stars to you.

       Deep peace of the gentle night to you.
       Moon and stars pour their healing light on you.

       Deep peace to you.
       Deep peace to you.
              -- source(s) unknown

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