Monday, March 26, 2012

Thank Goodness It's Monday #350


Nearly 100 TGIM’s ago, shortly after his death, I posted (not here) about the legendary UCLA basketball and “real non-sports life” coaching wizard, John Wooden. Although departed from this realm for several years, his guidance will likely be shared well into the future; it’s so universal and actionable. 

So, with March Madness 2012 grabbing headlines, (and because my colleague Kim Players recently cited Coach Wooden on Facebook and thereby unleashed a flood of worth-recalling memories), I’m taking this opportunity to reprise that classic TGIM.  

Hope you find it worthwhile and, if you recall it, I trust you’ll benefit from the “tickler” value of its (slightly edited) repetition. 


Pyramid power, in some contexts, refers to alleged supernatural or paranormal properties of the ancient Egyptian pyramids and objects of similar shape.  

In the 1970s it was a hot topic with a number of bestsellers featuring the phrase. 

With this power, model pyramids were said to preserve foods, sharpen or maintain the sharpness of razor blades, improve health, function as a thought-form incubator, and cause other dramatic effects. 

It's not clear who coined the term "pyramid power." It’s one of many pseudoscientific theories regarding pyramids. Personally – 

I think they’re bunk! 

So what’s up with this TGIM 

I also think there’s -- 

One noteworthy exception: On December 2, 1973 (how’s that for precision).

I came across a Pyramid Power example that I guarantee you is effective beyond a doubt and – when fully understood, mastered and implemented – can change your life. 

Want to see this Pyramid Of Success? On December 2, 1973 the New York Times Magazine arrived with this cover:

It’s all very stylized and of the period but – 

 Hey, man. It was the early ‘70s.  

I snipped off that cover, rubber-glued it to an old shirt cardboard and kept it my top desk drawer at work until the glue ate through the newsprint and the whole thing crumbled to dust. 

But now I don’t need it because the image is only a mouse click away. 

Too “hip” for 2012? I don't think so. You see, the original Pyramid Of Success was developed by the legendary basketball coach:

John R. Wooden

Born and raised in Indiana, Wooden began developing the foundation for the Pyramid in 1934. The core Pyramid Of Success was complete 14 years later, when Wooden was named head coach of the UCLA men’s basketball team although he continued to refine it over the years. (There's a giant, printable version available at Coach Wooden's official site.)

It took another 15 years for UCLA to win its first of 10 NCAA basketball championships under Wooden. Wooden achieved unprecedented success with his program. The “superstars” he coached, and the lives he shaped, are many and many are legend. 

And speaking of “many” -- Many people believe that John Wooden is the greatest team-sport coach OF ALL TIME! 

He died June 4, 2010 at age 99. The obits and the sporting press featured much of his story but, to my surprise, few featured The Pyramid. 

Maybe one is reason is: The Pyramid Of Success is not about basketball. In fact the Pyramid Of Success has nothing to do with sports, wealth or power.  

Huh? The Pyramid Of Success is about –  

Life and leadership. Lasting personal and organizational success is enabled through personal and organizational leadership.

TGIM ACTION IDEA: Read what it says in the compartments of The Pyramid and all around it's edges. If my "cover version" is a bit too 70's funkadelic to spend time perusing, click through and find a more eye-friendly one.

It's not about hoops; it's about life. To understand the Pyramid Of Success, you must first know Wooden’s -- 

Definition of Success: 

"Success is peace of mind, which is a direct result of self-satisfaction in knowing you made the effort to do your best to become the best that you are capable of becoming."

Wooden had a single altruistic and focused purpose: He wanted to provide his players with a roadmap for a full and productive life after basketball. He maintained that success on the basketball court would be icing on the cake.  

When a new team member was recruited, the next morning that player would find in his mail box an 8 1/2 X 11 mimeographed sheet which contained a pyramid of carefully and neatly ruled boxes.  

Because he believed the principles of the Pyramid should be shared freely, Wooden chose not to have the Pyramid Of Success copyrighted. 

There is a John R. Wooden Course and any number of Wooden/Success books and personal improvement tools. But the furthest thing from his mind was selling books and profiting from the Pyramid.  

Because overwhelming evidence exists that proves the validity and reliability of Wooden’s principles, the Power of his Pyramid Of Success transcends the smoke and mirrors of other mystical-minded Pyramid promoters.  

His Pyramid worked well before the ‘70’s hoo-ha. And it continues – and will continue – to work its particular magic for decades to come. 

TGIM Takeaway: Success is about continuous effort to learn, continuous effort to improve, and continuous effort to make your life and the world a better place. 

I’m not going to comment on or interpret the Wooden Pyramid components for you. I won’t because I can’t and I shouldn’t. Sharing it with you should be enough.

Go. Discover for yourself.  

Tap into its Power. And make of it all you can.  

Geoff Steck
Chief Catalyst
Alexander Publishing & Marketing
8 Depot Square
Englewood, NJ 07631

P.S. It is easier to reach our potential when we learn the value of including others in our quest.” That’s the John Wooden quote that Kim Players shared and sparked this look back. Thanks, Kplay! And welcome, one and all, to the quest.

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