Monday, April 9, 2012

Thank Goodness It's Monday #352


It's happening again in my near-the-Meadowlands/Izod Center neighborhood in northern New Jersey. 

Just the other day I saw several people with the condition.  Their symptoms were similar; all were -- 

1.    More positive,

2.    More enlivened, and

3.    More energized than usual. 

Before I could even ask, "What happened?" they all willingly volunteered the answer: 

"I saw Bruce last night." 

Luckily there will be tens of thousands of similarly "afflicted" Garden State-ers and music lovers around the globe this summer because (in case you didn’t know) Bruce Springsteen is back on tour.  

Q: Why does "The Boss" have this amazingly positive effect upon people? 

A: Bruce is energized, excited, and passionate. In other words – 

Bruce is "INTO IT." This "INTO IT-ness" has elevated him to the status of being considered by many as "the greatest live performing act in the world today." 

Now you and I will probably never join Bruce on stage for a set at the Meadowlands or anywhere else.  

But we can take this "Springsteen magic" back to our jobs, our relationships, our classrooms -- all our daily encounters. 

TGIM ACTION IDEA: Absorb the Springsteen lesson of being INTO IT. 

TGIM IDEA IN ACTION: We need not just be in a job--we can be INTO it.
If you’re a student (and you know I’m a proponent of Life-Long Learning so I maintain we’re all students, in a traditional classroom setting or not) we wouldn't just be in
school--we'd be INTO school. 
And we don't have to be in a family--we'd be INTO our families. 

It’s not just a matter of semantics.  

You see, there's a huge difference between going to work and being a worker.

There's a big difference between going to school and being a student. 

And there's an enormous difference between having or being a child and being a Mom … Dad … Son … Daughter … Sister …Brother or being actively involved in any family dynamic. 

The sooner we can take what Bruce Springsteen does on his stage and in his performances to our own personal "stages" and "performances," everyone will benefit. 

Baby, we were born to run. 

Geoff Steck
Chief Catalyst
Alexander Publishing & Marketing
8 Depot Square
Englewood, NJ 07631

P.S. No ticket required: You can hear Bruce’s nearly-hour-long keynote presentation at the recent SXSW music festival here.  A pointed tribute to heroes (musical and otherwise) of mine, Pete Seeger and Woody Guthrie, begins at 44:25.  

P.P.S.  It’s not Izod or quite so impressive a venue but, I promise you, there will be INTO IT-ness – 

Mark your calendar then click through below and reserve your seat (seats?) for the upcoming "Live" Business Breakthrough II on Thursday, April 26th. 

This powerful business-building event is a must-attend for so many reasons (at least 250 of them will be all the other like-minded folks you’ll meet.) 

You can check out all of the details, register and pocket significant Friend-of-TGIM, Ultimate Bargain, Pre- Early-Bird Savings here: 

BONUS OPPORTUNITY: There are also sponsorship options available that will provide you with high-quality exposure before, during and after the event.

To schedule a call to discuss sponsorship, e-mail:

I look forward to seeing you there.

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